International Schoolhouse is a Spanish-Immersion school focusing on the Early Childhood years- a time when children are most receptive to language learning. Our aim is to help children become bilingual, to foster cultural awareness, and to nurture life-long learners. Your child can attend our school for Preschool only, or stay with us through Kindergarten and the Early Elementary years.
Everyone is welcome and children are not expected to have any prior familiarity with the Spanish language. At International Schoolhouse, the benefit of learning Spanish is just the beginning. Join us and help your child open a window to the world early in life!
Our mission is to educate children in a nurturing environment, cultivate their love for learning, foster respect for others and our environment and to lay the foundations necessary for developing each child into a caring and compassionate member of a greater global community.

We believe that early foreign language study provides children with a unique insight into other cultures and builds cultural competency skills in a way that no other discipline is able to do. In an age of global interdependence, multicultural competence and language skills are both critical in preparing each child to successfully face the challenges of the 21st century.
Our school community is truly international, bringing together families that represent nearly 20 nationalities. Although most children have no prior familiarity with Spanish, they integrate into our program just as they would in a traditional setting.
“… exposure to a foreign language serves as a means of helping children to intercultural competence. The awareness of a global community can be enhanced when children have the opportunity to experience involvement with another culture through a foreign language.”
— Curtain & Dahlberg, 2004